Funding source:
Riga Technical university (FLPP-2009/3)


Principal investigator:
Jānis Rubulis

Persons involved:

Kaspars Neilands, Kristina Tihomirova, Sergejs Nazarovs, Jānis Krafts, Tālis Juhna,


Būvniecības fakultātes (BF) Ūdens inženierijas un tehnoloģijas katedrai sadarbojoties ar Datorzinātnes un informācijas tehnoloģijas fakultātes (DITF) Inženiermatemātikas katedru (IK)

Brief description of the project:

According to the field experiment with sediments there will be described transport of sediments in to the mathematical model. Thus there will be possibility to predict red water areas with free of charge models (ex. EPANET) and decreases turbidity cases in to the networks using flushing of distribution mains. To decreases microbiological quality of water do to turbidity reasons there can be used chlorination strategies in to the treatment plants. These actions can minimize complains of turbid water and decreases risk of illness cases related with drinking water.